Summer is a great time to focus on life-enhancing activities like martial arts (karate). Our team at Akula Taekwondo is firmly pro-vacation, pro-travel, and pro-diverse life experiences. Swimming at the local pool, outings with the family, and playing with friends are important parts of a child’s life experiences. However, summer break takes up close to 25% of the calendar year. Thus, there is ample opportunity for relaxing, vacations, AND for improving ourselves by learning something new. 

Combating boredom this summer can be easy when children enroll in martial arts classes. What is learned through Taekwondo training goes beyond learning cool Cobra Kai/Karate Kid/ninja stuff. Studying martial arts gives kids a chance to shine by highlighting physical, social, emotional and intellectual skills. Here are our top five reasons to start (or continue) learning martial arts this summer.

Why Should Children Train in Taekwondo in the Summer?

1. Reduce Learning Loss

Introducing kids to a new activity like Taekwondo or Karate boosts intellectual stimulation and can reduce summer learning loss. That’s because children and teens develop new skills and utilize working memory when involved in organized activities. By being challenged and active, kids remain focused and ready to learn after summer vacation.

2.  Increase Social Stability

Kids develop proper social behaviors during martial arts classes. They learn to focus their minds and control their bodies. These skills are useful at home, at school, in sports, and during other group activities. Therefore, children who train in Taekwondo are noticed for their excellent discipline and confidence.

3.  Prevent Summer Weight Gain

Weight gain among kids (particularly tweens and teens) happens twice as fast over the summer. Why? Because many teens sleep in, pass time in sedentary activities, and snack more often. Participating in martial arts classes gives summer days structure. 

Akula Taekwondo classes are high-intensity and include heart rate-raising warm-ups, comprehensive stretching routines, kicking, punching, and agility challenges. Students develop strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular health. Being healthy and fit makes everything more comfortable.

4.  Develop and Solidify Healthy Habits

Consistently sticking to positive habits leads to success in all of life’s endeavors. As a bonus, one healthy habit tends to lead to another. Some important habits to develop:

  • Eating healthy foods 
  • Staying active 
  • Learning something new 
  • Participating in social activities

In our martial arts school in Novi, Michigan, children interact with other positive, disciplined students. Instructors model respect, passion, and humility. Further, our leaders encourage students to be their best selves. Thus, kids develop habits that lead to healthier, happier lives. 

5.  Become a Stellar Human Being

Martial Arts instills students with life-enhancing skills, perspectives, and attitudes toward life. In every class, we encourage students to do their best and to not give up. Therefore, kids develop a habit of learning from mistakes and being gracious winners. By experiencing small successes and micro failures in every class, our martial artists develop Taekwondo’s indomitable spirit. 

Summer Taekwondo Summary

Summer is a great time to learn something new or to hone life skills. Because there tends to be more time in the schedule, kids can focus on making significant strides in their Taekwondo journey. By committing to martial arts training, parents provide children the time and space to become their best selves.